Part of speech
Mainword : They called a'nu,means that was created by the God A.The akulpeople has seven main gods,they corresponded to the seven vowel symbols. They believed that the God A created six gods and these Gods created their own apostles to make natural things in the beginning of the universe. In faith, The God A leaded six children to rule the entire universe.So everything in the world belong to the seven Gods.Each mainwords must contain one or more vowel phonemes and must be ending in vowels.
Changes in the mainword :
1、The mainword plus different tail can become an subword form. Plus [ l ] and [ k ] as modified, and [ l ] is similar to adjectives, adverbs,plus [k] is the the behind object of vesting. similar to attribute.
2、Some verbs syllable position by the end of the mainwords replacement, for example:
Original words
Derivative words
Hand : mu
hold \ take : u’m
Eye : ci
look\watch : I’c
Mouth : bo
Eat : o’b
Say : u’b
Ear : fi
listen\hear : I’f
Nose : to
Smell : o’t
Heart : ai
Think : ai-un
Want : a’un
Foot : x'u'v
Move : u’x
Body : dv
Sit : v’n
Lay : v’d
Stand : s’v’d
Against : o’v’d
support、stick to : ta’s’v’d
father : a’da
mother : a’sa
son : cu’a
boy : cu’a’i
daughter : cr’a
girl : cr’a’mi
name : yu’a
horse : d'lo
king\lord : a'k cu’a
sword : kin'ke
blade : kan'ke
gold : ike
wealth : alv'ke pig : hu'lv
tiger : o’u
ungi : a giant beast like a bird on vlv.its feathers is very beautful
wood : u’lo
book : um’a’ti
alphabet : cipi
vocatance : aknu
Great classics : I’k’ma
poem : icpu
Quatrain : ci'epu
fire : i’no
head : ei
face : e’hi
heart\wisdom : ai
life : a’nu'r live(verb) : nu’g save(verb) : a’nu’o’g
blood : ai’r
sperm : a’r
round : a’o’a
hair : u’ja
iron : ke’ki
war : ezaji
copper : I’k’e’v
home : yu’ sv
eye : ci
mouth : bo
land\mud : v’lv
grass : k’ u
sea : a’l r
river : xr
lake : I’r
down : l’u
up : I’o
left : dan
right : gen
hand : mu
music : opqahr
foot : lu’v
there : hv
here : mv
that : hr
this : mr
penis : pa
vagina : ha
courage : te’p’la
vitality : po'a
strength : demv
beauty : hr’ta
kindheart : ga’yi
difficult\hard : o’fi
wife : ya’mi
husband : ya’i
meal : r’gv
star : I’m’su
rock : dv
mountain : u’l’dv
human being : v’o’li
black\dark : ka
bird : xa
saying : bu
success : la’qu(verb : la’u’q)
year : I’li’a
month : o’li’a
week : a’na’i
day : ci’le
period in day : e’I’ga
time\hour : zi
tomorrow : ci’le’nr.
today : ci’le’ku
sad : s’ta’la
angry : s’ta’la’s
love(mainword & subword) : ya
death : sa
yes\right\good\ok : yi
very happy : ta’la
not\no\not good\can’t : s’i’a
Length\distance : u’ji
happy : ta
happiness: up'pe'ta
abundant: bi'o'kr
health: mu'ja
Unhappy\disappointed\depressed : s’ta
Nobody\can’t see : s’i
The great sacrifice day : a’ h’u’xi

Subword : All non-a'nu called a'i'nu.Verbs, question words, prepositions, etc. are a'i'nu.Most of them are consonants.So, as long as the other person is saying adverbs, these words certainly has not ended.
High\far : io’l
give : uz
laugh : hrf
crazy for : mrg
refuse : smuz
Very\much : la
like\love : suffix +[ y ] or [ ya ]
follow to \obey : lag
A negative\ bad : prefix + [s]
finish : qu’j
win : drah
great\holy : a’l
big\wide : u’l
small : o’l
subtle : o’I’l
more : r’l
many things\many people and so : lgr
complex : r’o’l
less : srl
simple : sr’o’l
in : object + [wi]
out : object + [z'ni]
before : object + [jo]
behind : object + [mei]
powerful : e’l
ferocious : dav'l
hard\ solid : e’v’l
soft : tr’l
bright : i'l
long : u’ji’l old : gu’xi’l
short : ci’e short (adj) : ci’e’l
kill\attack : object + [e’z]。
die : object + [a’s]
have\belong to : object + [nu’hm]
know : ia’m
and (connect two or mor) : a’p
fly : object + [x’u’in]
run : u’o’x
+[p’i’en] between two direction words. [A p’i’en B] means: going to A from B .
[p’i’en A] : “started from A ” or "originated in A "
Generally make dynamic changes : object +[o’g]
raise : object +[ u’a’g]
make\create\ produce : object +[un]
want\think\want to : ai-un

In akullanguage , one sentence is one word, commonly known as the vocatence.The vocatence is constituted by a number of basic words. It is a actual meaning of the sentence that is the vowel end of the words. The single basic word such as the main word unless it is in the specific context, otherwise there is no actual meaning of the sentence. Subwords can not be used alone.For example, [look at] is the [i'c]. It can not be said directly.Must be accountable to [who is looking at sb or sth] or [how to look]. So as to constitute a complete phrase.
Number system
The mathematics of akulpeople is Septenary. There are 7 basic numbers:
Number in Latin
Number in akulalphabets
Life & death
1 : ja
2 : v’da
3 : u’na
4 : e’xa
5 : o’fa
6 : r’ga
7 : I’za
When the number is more than 77 increase median .
Denoted as    called : ja yi'a ja.
After that, each over 77 increase median..When yi'a is full of 77, increase median again.
Denoted as    called : ja di'e ja yi'a ja. and so on.

The 1st increase : number +[yi'a] 1 yi'a = 56
The 2nd increase : number +[di'e] 1 di'e = 3192
The 3rd increase : number +[mi'r] 1 mi'r = 181944
The 4th increase : number +[x'su] 1 x'su = 10370808
The 5th increase : number +[p'li] 1 p'li = 591136056
The 6th increase : number +[h'zo] 1 h'zo = 33694755192
The 7th increase : number +[cu'v] 1 cu'v = 1920601045944